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Publishing - frequently asked questions

How much does it cost to publish with the IET?

It’s free!

Does the IET provide templates and style files for preparing the manuscript?

Yes, you can find them on our guides and resources page, and we’ll also send them to you when you sign your contract.

Can I make recommendations for the cover of my book?

Yes. We’ll give you a couple of suggestions for the main graphic, which you’ll be able to choose from, or you could suggest your own image. Our designers will then work on the artwork.

Can I submit supplementary files to be included with the e-book?

Yes. You’ll need to let us know in advance and we’ll make these available along with the eBook on IET Digital Library.

Can I reuse parts or chapters of my books for conferences, journal articles, reports, etc.?

Yes, you can use extracts from your book for non-commercial professional purposes such as lectures and conference presentations. We’ll also allow you to reuse extracts in future publications – but please email us to ask for permission and be sure to cite the book as the source in the new publication.

Can I get an author discount on my own book and other IET books?

Yes, your contract will specify these discounts. Generally, you can buy further copies of your book at a 33 and 1/3 per cent, although we may offer a higher discount if you want to make a bulk purchase. You can also buy any of our other books at a 25 per cent discount. Just email your order to and mention that you are an IET author.

What is an eBook and where are they sold?

It’s an electronic version of your book. All our books are available in electronic form as well as in print, and you’ll receive royalties for both formats. We use a standard, non-DRM, PDF format on our IET Digital Library platform. Each eBook can be bought complete, as individual chapters or as part of larger collections. We’ve also partnered with other sellers to make your eBook available on Dawson, EBL,, ebrary, EBSCO eBooks, Gardners, Google books, MyiLibrary, ProQuest and Summon. Some books are also available on Knovel and Kindle.

Does the IET provide copy-editing and English language support?

Our copy-editors check all accepted manuscripts for spelling, grammar, consistency and formal style – but we don’t rewrite them into natural English. Before submitting your manuscript, you may wish to have it edited for correct use of English, particularly if English is not your first language, but this isn’t compulsory. We’ve partnered with Editage to provide editorial services to our authors. You can get a 15 per cent discount on their services at our microsite.

What subjects do you publish books about?

We publish on a range of subjects. We’ve listed them all below:

  • Computing
  • Control, Robotics and Sensors
  • Electromagnetic Waves
  • Energy Engineering
  • Healthcare Technologies
  • Manufacturing
  • Materials, Circuits and Devices
  • Radar, Sonar and Navigation
  • Security 
  • Telecommunications
  • Transportation.

Do you do a peer-review of the manuscript?

No. Book proposals are peer-reviewed, but manuscripts are not. We rely on you as experts to submit scientifically sound manuscripts. You could organise peer reviews of your draft chapters before submitting to us if you wanted to.